
Arts & Justice


Keshet’s Arts and Justice Initiatives focus on nurturing and advancing aligned partnerships and goals via multiple collaborative efforts for systemic change in local, state, and national juvenile (in)justice ecosystems.

Currently, Keshet’s Arts and Justice Initiatives include:

  • National peer learning programming in partnership with the Arts for Healing and Justice Network www.ahjnetwork.org, connecting field research and program learnings from organizations doing similar work at the intersection of arts and juvenile justice across the country.
  • Local voting positions on Bernalillo County’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiatives Boards and Committees.
  • Development and operation of Arts and Justice Youth Leader Internship Program which supports young adults transitioning out of incarceration in a 3-12 month, paid position of an arts-based community internship.
  • Keshet’s Arts and Justice Youth Leadership Council, a youth driven council providing peer learning, policy/advocacy activism, and community support.

want to help
make change?

Through Keshet’s Arts and Justice Initiatives, our work has included many other activities over the past 25 years, including (but certainly not limited to):

over 25
years of

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