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See this performance in SOMOSAbq Reimagined: October 9-11, 2020 – @SOMOSABQ

Created in collaboration and with special recognition to the members of the Albuquerque community who provided their thoughts on “A love letter to Albuquerque.”
— YOU were our inspiration. Thank you!


A love letter to Albuquerque —

Watermelon to the East

White sands to the south

Snowy world to the north

Ancient legends,

I breath in,

watching the sun fall asleep, west.

A bowl full of memories.

A soul full of heart.

Smell of the earth

Sound of the drum

Colorful world

So full life,


I just wept.

The dancer is the medium of her art

She has perfected falling with precision

Her body is as notes to a musician

The paint and the canvas to

A painter

She is

The stone

And the Sculptor’s hand.

The dancer


The dance.

Move forward backward or sideways. Just move!

Breathe. Look up Albuquerque!

Be the one you were looking for

Time in pastel hues

Tumbleweed and coyote 

Enchantment rests here

It was here, in The Frontier Restaurant, one hot July….sitting with everyone—all the people, *all the different people*—that I knew I could live with you, here in Albuquerque.

Desert Plume, Rose Family member, you are a wafty beauty. 

Hummingbirds pull your fluff for warm nests.  I love you.

Even I am welcome.  Even he is welcome. Even she is welcome. Even they are welcome. Open play and creative fervor. WE are IN it! We Art The People.

What I love is the DIVERSITY of people and cultures and the arts!!! 

Integration, intermingling, coexistence, tolerance, recognition for movements

There is a different way that my body breathes here. 

My skin expands and I am bigger, more confident, more open, there is more space for joy. 

Is it the sunshine, the smell of rain, the big sky? 

I don’t know but I breathe in whatever it is and breathe out love and gratitude

A never ending rainbow filled with hope, dreams, and aspirations.

Unexpected explosive sunsets, cinnamon rolls and pinon coffee