Keshet wants to keep our community SAFE, CONNECTED, and CREATING during this global health crisis.

During the week of May 17 – 23, we’re inviting you to donate to Keshet, championing the value of the arts during this critical time. Our goal is to raise $20,000, supporting remote summer programming for 200 community members, responsive to the safety of our community while offering meaningful connections and shared arts experiences.
Click HERE to donate now!

Join us for a special online fundraising event on May 23rd at 5:30pm on Zoom to celebrate our creative community and showcase our reimagined virtual programming. To join the event via Zoom – click on the link HERE Password: community
On Saturday, May 23rd all donations to Keshet Dance & Center for the Arts will be matched up to $5,000 by generous donors, Kris and Steve Wade, CEO and President of UnityBPO. Help us reach our goal to raise $20,000 supporting remote summer arts programming for 200 community members! And join us for a special event on Zoom at 5:30pm on Saturday 5/23 featuring Keshet’s creative community and virtual program offerings. Your gift on 5/23 will be DOUBLED and will help keep the community safe, connected and creating during this global health crisis. Thank you!

To protect our community, Keshet has suspended all in-person programming, resulting in an estimated revenue loss for March through July of approximately $185,000. During these challenging times for our entire community, Keshet staff, company dancers, and teaching artists are offering meaningful arts experiences from the safety of our homes, via remote learning and online programming. We’re continuing to reach students of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds, including families with special needs and youth in our juvenile justice programming. Please consider a gift to support Keshet’s team, as we continue to find new ways to connect our community through dance.

Become a Champion of the Arts! DONATE HERE

The arts play a crucial role in our society, contributing to the economy, social justice initiatives, and the health and education of our community members.

The Arts support 4.92 million jobs nationally, and 1 in 10 jobs in New Mexico are in arts and culture. 3

The Arts have positive impact in juvenile justice programming nationally. Keshet’s M3 program in juvenile jails in New Mexico show 28% improvement in academic test scores and 90% of participants showing improvement in confidence, as well as an 18% reduction in conflicts. For those who complete the M3 program, we see a 0% recidivism rate.

43% of frontline clinical staff believe that the arts have a positive effect on healing. 1

“Arts participation has a positive effect on social cohesion by bringing generations together, encouraging partnerships and intercultural understanding, reducing fear of crime, and fostering organizational skills.”2

Keshet’s programming brings people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds together to create art.

Amount raised as of 5/22/20 is $8,000. Thank you!

  1. Scher P, Senior P. Research and Evaluation of the Exeter health care arts project. Med Hum 2000; 26; 71-8. As quoted in pdf/10.1258/jrsm.2010.100256.]
  2. Jeannotte, S. “Singing Alone? The Contribution of Cultural Capital to Social Cohesion and Sustainable Communities.” The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 9(1) 35-49. Retrieved 15 May 2018 from WOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1526490332&Signature=7zF0sxR8S7jvvDbKvUMip XDznWE%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DSinging_ alone_The_contribution_of_cultur.pdf]”
  3. Building on the Past, Facing the Future: Renewing the Creative Economy, (