annual report
Dear friends of Keshet,
Thank you for joining us in celebration during this unique fiscal year (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) and 25th Anniversary of Keshet! While Keshet programming remained virtual to keep our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued to find innovative ways to come together through dance, performance, mentorship, and celebration of our 25-year history.
With gratitude,
Shira Greenberg
Keshet Founder and Artistic Director
25th Anniversary
Thank you for joining us to celebrate Keshet’s 25th Anniversary! To stay connected and celebrate safely, Keshet hosted a series of virtual events and programs, prompting a journey into the Keshet archive. Virtual Retrospective Events on Zoom included ACT 1: A Retrospective of work, partners, projects over the past 24 years; KP3 Retrospective; Keshet Dance Company Retrospective; and a community favorite, Nutcracker on the Rocks Retrospective that featured a week of virtual choreography workshops and a culminating showing of archive footage from performances through the years with conversation from original cast members. In addition to digitizing and organizing 25 years of Keshet archival material, we also connected with Keshet alumni, including former staff, students, and performers who helped enrich these virtual retrospective events.
Celebrate through giving together. - LEARN MORE -
In Support of Keshet’s 25th Anniversary
You, Keshet’s community, gave together for Keshet’s 25th Anniversary, raising over $50,000 between #GivingTuesday, year-end giving, and our Spring 25th Birthday Campaign, with over 245 donors giving during the fiscal year. Thank you to our amazing community for donating to help ensure the next 25 years of unlimited possibilities with Keshet.
Community Education and Engagement
While dance education looked a little different to keep dancers safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, Keshet did not stray from our core belief that dancing is for every body. With your support, Keshet continued to offer dance education and
performance opportunities via remote formats for dancers of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Donations to Keshet’s Scholarship Fund continued to sustain our unlimited, noncompetitive scholarships, which was expanded to offer sliding scale options for people of all ages attending dance classes or performances.
Dance changes lives. - LEARN MORE -
Keshet Pre-Professional Program
The KP3 2020-2021 year was not like any year of KP3 that had come before. With your support, not even a pandemic can stop the KP3 program from training the minds, bodies, and hearts of our extremely dedicated
dancers. KP3 students danced, albeit in 6 feet by 6 feet squares. KP3 students performed, though virtually. KP3 faculty discussed important topics relating to pre-professional dancers, like site-specific dance, mindfulness, nutrition, dance history, and many more. Despite difficult circumstances, KP3 faculty supported students as they processed enormous changes in their lives. Mentorship and prioritizing mental health were a huge priority in the KP3 2020-2021 year. Read the complete KP3 Year in Review by Pre-Professional Education Director, Sarah Gonzales HERE.
Mixed Ability Programming
Dance classes on Zoom can be challenging, but we’ve been pleasantly surprised to see that the online format has offered greater access for some of our community members who are now able to join class more regularly because they can take class from home. Keshet’s Mixed Ability programming emphasized continuity with the weekly All Ages – All Abilities Free Online Dance Party, which included many students now able to attend more regularly. This consistency has supported students to develop their creative expression and artistry, as well as to create more social connectivity together.
We’ve also found strengthened connections with partner organizations in need of providing safe opportunities for their communities. Keshet’s Community Education and Mixed Ability Director, Sadie Gelb, taught with Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Camp Adventure monthly online camps and weeklong summer camps.
Connections and collaborations were also strengthened with New Mexico Special Olympics, New Mexico School for the Deaf, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Sunshine Ambassadors, Best Buddies, Autism Spectrum Therapies, Kayak New Mexico, Mandy’s Farm, Rio Grande Down Syndrome Network, and residential facilities, such as At Home Advocacy.
Fine Wine Dance
Keshet’s Fine Wine Dance program offered weekly online classes for adults over 55, highlighting connection, creativity, and movement. Keshet also partnered with the Albuquerque Museum to offer a virtual class focusing on the Museum’s exhibition: Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Mexican Modernism from the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection. The Fine Wine Dance program not only participated in Keshet’s virtual Spring Concert, but held several online showings of their zoom dance performances throughout the year. Keshet appreciates the support of Aroha Philanthropies to help recreate Fine Wine Dance programming for virtual formats this fiscal year.
Community Performance
25th Annual Spring Concert – via Zoom!
Our community came together virtually for many performances this year, including a very special 25th Annual Spring Concert, featuring dancers from Keshet’s community and pre-professional education programs. Dancers of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds created unique work on Zoom and pre-recorded in unique settings around Albuquerque, resulting in a beautiful filmed performance that showcased the creativity, connectivity, and resilience of our community of dancers.
Exit 12
In collaboration with the New Mexico Arts & the Military Initiative, Keshet supported programming that aimed to serve the veteran community and their families by partnering with Exit 12 Dance Company. Programming aimed to serve the greater NM community, so virtual workshops were offered not only as a COVID-safe option, but also as a way to serve those in the other parts of the state. In an effort to serve further communities, programming included a virtual workshop for NM dancers, a showing of the documentary “Moved by War,” followed by a short workshop and Q&A in Silver City, as well as a drive-in movie theater experience in Los Lunas. The Exit 12 residency culminated in a showing of their documentary and a premiere of a new Exit 12 company piece they created while in New Mexico. The culminating event was presented in partnership with NM PBS on their Ovee virtual platform and reached 83 attendees.
Keshet Ideas and Innovation Community (KIIC)
Keshet’s Ideas and Innovation Community (KIIC, pronounced “kick”) is a business incubator and resource for arts entrepreneurs; championing the value of the artist and the arts economy. Your support of KIIC this year allowed Keshet to continue collaborating with artists and arts service organizations during a challenging time for the sector. To best support local, regional, and national artists, dancers, and choreographers, KIIC participated in a New Mexico Creatives Dialogue, open discussion to hear about needs amongst local arts entrepreneurs, and conducted a survey of Makers Space Experience participants and applicants to learn how KIIC could best serve them. From these efforts, Keshet identified virtual workshop offerings, performance opportunities, rent reductions and community partnerships as safe and meaningful ways to continue supporting arts entrepreneurs during the pandemic.
Growth for arts entrepreneurs - LEARN MORE -
KIIC was an organizing partner of Harwood Art Center’s Root & Bloom (March 2021), a virtual (re)generative retreat made by and for New Mexico’s Creatives, to serve and support individuals in the bewildering here and now, as well as in visioning and actualizing a just, abundant shared future. Keshet Dance Company members, Ana Lopes Arechiga and Lara Segura contributed a Movement and Healing: Collaborative Choreography Workshop.
Choreographers’ Showcase
KIIC presented the virtual 2021 Choreographers’ Showcase, a collection of work submitted by previous Makers Space Experience participants. Many Makers submitted work created during the Covid-19 pandemic, featuring the talent and resiliency of Keshet-connected performing artists around the country.
Arts and Justice Initiatives (AJI)
Keshet’s Arts & Justice Initiatives collaborate with community partner organizations to support system-impacted youth within the full juvenile justice continuum via the arts. This year, while we could not collaborate, dance, and perform together in person, we found ample opportunity to bring people together for important arts experiences and discussion centered around the intersection of arts and justice and amplifying the voices and creativity of system-impacted youth. From guest artists joining incarcerated students via Zoom to the creation of a Youth Leadership Council connecting with Bernalillo County committees, as well as the Intersection of Arts & Justice Roundtable Conversation, Keshet continues to find meaningful connections in virtual space together. In addition to examples listed below, you can read/hear more about Keshet’s Arts & Justice Initiatives in Dancing Behind Barbed Wire, written by Karie Luidens, and the Ohio Prison Arts Connection Peer Discussion.
Social justice through dance - LEARN MORE -
Movement + Mentorship = Metamorphosis (M3)
Keshet’s M3 Program (Movement + Mentorship = Metamorphosis) uses the vehicle of dance to engage, educate, and empower incarcerated and paroling youth and young adults. As with Keshet’s other programming, this year M3 had to be conducted entirely in remote formats to help keep students and faculty safe and healthy. The transition to Zoom within the juvenile jail was a significant policy adjustment and successful collaboration between Keshet and CYFD/Foothills High School. Under normal circumstances, students are not allowed any access to technology, internet, etc. Creating a space inside of the juvenile prison in which students could indeed have access to M3 programming was a significant leap in an effort to maintain connectivity to this program. M3 faculty worked directly with Youth Diagnostic & Development Center (YDDC) and Camino Nuevo Youth Center (CNYC) staff to ensure consistent communication with students, despite limited technological access. M3 faculty were able to provide programming to four units at a minimum of twice/week for each unit, offering a total of 9 classes per week. Over the course of the fiscal year, M3 faculty facilitated a total of 238 classes, in which we offered opportunities for student leadership, and developed a multitude of creative collaborations. We adapted our post-release mentorship program to a virtual format, conducted one-on-one check-ins with students following their release from YDDC and CNYC, and welcomed them into online community classes.
M3 Guest Artists

Mindfulness can be described as; The act of being present to all one is experiencing, free of judgement. M3 Guest Artist over Zoom: Mindfulness & Creativity Workshop by Paul Cuffee.
The M3 team was honored to welcome guest artists into our virtual classrooms this year. Paul Cuffee guided students through mindfulness practices, and spoke about the intricacies of the film and music industries. In May 2021, members of Everett Company, a theater and dance company based in Rhode Island, facilitated comedy improvisation workshops that left us all aching from laughter and with a new appreciation for the humor, awareness, and vulnerability of each other. The incredible faculty of the National Institute of Flamenco brought music, dance, and cultural knowledge to our classes, and connected the rhythms and practices of Flamenco to Hip Hop music and culture. Trey Pickett offered Krumping and Afrobeat workshops filled with joy, strength, and invitations for deep individual connection, empowerment, and expression.
Movement for Mercy
The Movement for Mercy project centers around the themes of community, relationships, shared history, and intersections of experiences. Co-created and performed by a team of collaborating artists from Keshet Dance Company, students from Keshet’s M3 Program, Keshet’s Arts and Justice Initiatives Youth Leaders, and additional members of the Keshet community, this production has been created inside and outside of prison walls.
In lieu of a cancelled June/July2020 tour, a two-part virtual experience was created.
Part I, July 9th: A conversation with the artists, discussing the work, the creative process, and the intentional and transformative intersections of arts and juvenile justice.
Part II, July 11th: A screening of the work. A special viewing of the February 2020 Movement for Mercy work-in-progress showing in its entirety, along with new pieces created in quarantine, as well as insights and commentary from the artists. While the originally intended format of this work is to be experienced live and in the round – hearing breath, watching expressions, smelling sweat, feeling the connection of dancer and audience bodies – this new format allowed us to connect our work to so many more around the country than we would ever be able to reach in a traditional touring format, continuing the important conversations related to the country’s juvenile (in)justice system.
Youth Leadership Council
Keshet Youth Leaders are employees of Keshet who meet weekly to work on justice oriented creative projects, research agendas, and community activities. Over the past year, the Youth Leaders codified a Youth Leadership Council, for which they serve as the Executive Committee. The Keshet Arts and Justice Initiatives Youth Leadership Council is a collective of youth of color and allies who strive to utilize their platform in order to elevate the voices of system impacted youth by providing educational resources, peer support, and access to an uplifting community.
Both Keshet Youth Leaders and Council members may serve on Bernalillo County committees and attend meetings such as the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI), Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RRED) and Bernalillo County Steering Committee where they are able to ask questions, give feedback and assist in developing programming that intends to dismantle the school to prison pipeline, seek racial equality, reduce recidivism rates and create positive alternatives to juvenile detention.

Pictured (L-R): Youth Leadership Council members, Julian Jimenez, Juliana Gorena, Elise Lopez, and Emani Brooks
AJI in the Community
Albuquerque Justice for Youth Community Collaborative
Keshet is one of more than 20 community-based organizations in Albuquerque joining forces in a multi-year effort to support healthy and thriving futures for all young people, especially those in trouble with the law. The Albuquerque Justice for Youth Community Collaborative, supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, will engage local youth-serving organizations and families who have been affected by the juvenile justice system in efforts to shape promising futures for young people — even after they’ve made mistakes.
This year, Keshet joined the Collaborative with members of the Youth Leaders Council, as well as Keshet’s AJI staff, attending regular meetings to collaborate with other community-based organizations working towards systems-change within New Mexico’s juvenile justice field.
Progress toward social justice, racial healing and equity requires a radical change, grounded in community leadership and respect for the perspectives of young people and families who have been directly — and often negatively — affected by the juvenile justice system,” — Albino Garcia, Executive Director of La Plazita Institute in Albuquerque and Founder of the Collaborative.
Arts and Justice Roundtable Conversation
Keshet hosted the Intersection of Arts and Justice Roundtable Conversation on April 1, 2021 on Zoom and recorded it to share in an ongoing manner with the broader community and organizational partners. The conversation focused around exploring the roles arts can play in transforming juvenile justice in both our local community and in our country, highlighting the lived experiences and artwork of Keshet Youth Leaders, as well as the current work and experiences of scholars, artists, and organizations working in the field of Juvenile Justice in New Mexico. Keshet appreciates the support of New Mexico Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities for this event.
The Roundtable featured panelists working within the field from different perspectives, including:
- Emani Brooks, Youth Leader, Keshet Arts & Justice Initiatives, Youth Council Co-Chair
- sheri crider, Executive Director, Sanitary Tortilla Factory
- Albino Garcia Jr, Executive Director La Plazita Institute
- Shira Greenberg, Artistic Director, Keshet Dance and Center for the Arts
- Juliana Gorena, Youth Leader, Keshet Arts & Justice Initiatives, Youth Council Co Chair
- Dr. Marissa Juárez, Central New Mexico Community College, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Dr. Manuel Montoya, University of New Mexico, Presidential Teaching Fellow; Associate Dean, Planetary Decisionmaking and Inclusion
- Carmela Romero, Bernalillo County Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative
- Hon. Marie Ward, Presiding Judge, Children’s Court Division, Second Judicial District Court, Bernalillo County
- Moderated by Elsa Menendez , Artist/Educator; Field Representative, Office of U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich
Pchyolka Collaboration

Pchyolka workshops in Kaliningrad, Russia
In a cross-cultural curriculum exchange spanning from from August to November of 2020, Keshet faculty worked with a team of art specialists working with orphans in Kaliningrad, Russia, facilitating training in the Keshet M3 teaching philosophy and transferable curriculum. Over the course of 10 sessions, the two teams forged connected relationships, learned from each other, and supported each other. The project culminated in a virtual sharing open to the public that connected audience members from the U.S. and Russia in a discussion about healing arts. Keshet appreciates the support of the Eurasia Foundation via the US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) to make this project possible.
It’s a great experience that we were able to gain here… In the beginning our American partners helped us so much, especially in the training called “What We Have in Common”, to make kids trust us more, and see us that we are like them. — Khilolla, Music Specialist, Pchyolka
Those trainings that you shared with us helped us enormously as we worked with kids who are in a difficult life situation in orphanages. Because of these trainings kids started to open themselves, to share a bit of their lives with us, and because they became open there became trust in us, and we were able to help them to solve their problems through creative movement… The trainings helped us to be united with the kids… — Ksusha, Dance Specialist, Pchyolka
Guest Artists: Everett
Everett Company, a theater and dance company based in Rhode Island, was set to perform at Keshet in the Revolutions International Theater Festival in March 2020. After the cancelled performance due to COVID-19, Keshet together with Revolutions International Theater Festival reimagined the presentation of Everett’s Good Grief with a virtual showing and Q&A session with the cast and workshop in May, 2021.
Good Grief focuses on trauma and the true stories of the artists/performers. The performance was inspired by the healing work of Dr. Richard Schwartz who developed Internal Family Systems in response to clients’ descriptions of experiencing various parts–many extreme–within themselves.

Everett’s Good Grief team, conducted a youth workshop with Keshet’s Youth Leaders
Good Grief was made possible through major funding support from NEFA, MAP Fund, NEA & RISCA. This presentation was made possible by the New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Dance Project, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Keshet Dance Company
Keshet Dance Company continued to create new contemporary dance works as it pivoted during the course of the pandemic, creating filmed pieces in unique Albuquerque settings. Engaging with community, Company dancers created A Love Letter to Albuquerque, a filmed piece for SOMOS 2020 in response to a poem written from contributions by Keshet community members. Read the poem here. Keshet Dance Company also demonstrated the power of dance to communicate, creating a new, virtual piece for #DancetheVote. For the finale of Keshet’s 25th Anniversary season, the Company premiered three new, filmed pieces, capturing this unique cultural moment in both Albuquerque settings and dancers’ homes. Photos (Top, L-R): Alga(ida) Choreographer/Video Editor: Ana Lopes Aréchiga Photo by Pat Berrett Dancers (L-R): Juliana Gorena, Ana Lopes Aréchiga, Lara Segura, Sonia Bologa Intentions Mirrored Choreography, Videography, Editing, and Dancer: Lara Segura Passerby Choreographer: Sonia Bologa Photo by Pat Berrett Dancers (Front-Back): Juliana Gorena, Ana Lopes Aréchiga, Lara Segura, Sonia Bologa
Dance, education and mentorship - LEARN MORE -
A Love Letter to Albuquerque
Keshet Dance Company continued to play an integral role across Keshet programming this year. Company members taught KP3 students excerpts from three Keshet Dance Company repertory works: AniMa’Amin, rock mass adjunct and Roadtrip Mixtape all choreographed by Shira Greenberg. They served as mentors for KP3 students and included some upper level students in the creation of new works. Company members also worked closely with Keshet’s Youth Leaders developing and sharing Movement for Mercy for virtual formats.
Keshet’s community support comes from diverse revenue sources, including foundation grants, government support, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations, as well as the valuable support received from classes, ticket sales, and opportunities to contract out in the community. Your support, especially during this challenging year of fully virtual programming, helped sustain meaningful dance experiences that connected community while staying physically distanced, safe, and healthy. 78% of Keshet expenses go directly to programming needs.
Thank you to our community of contributors who helped make this unique year one of celebration and connection in the face of a global pandemic. With your support, Keshet’s community and artistry have been strengthened during our milestone 25th Anniversary. We’re grateful to you for helping ensure Keshet will continue to bring dancers of all backgrounds, ages and abilities, young students and lifelong learners, families, arts entrepreneurs, and professional and community performers together through the power of dance, mentorship, and a welcoming space for the arts.
Thank you to ALL contributors - LEARN MORE -
Major Funders
We would like to heartily thank the following organizations that have supported Keshet programs with major contributions ($10,000 and above) in FY20-21, deepening Keshet’s work in the community.
Corporate Fans
These terrific local businesses supported Keshet’s 25th Anniversary Season of virtual performances. Corporate Fans connected with Keshet’s community through online performances, social media, and Keshet’s e-newsletter, as champions of the arts and supporters of Keshet’s community-driven mission. Thank you!
*Corporate fans for the full year
ROCK STARSAdams + Crow Law ROADIESA+ Marketing Consultants*
Albuquerque Academy GROUPIESCarroll Strategies
Sustainers Club
Thank you to our Sustainers Club members, monthly donors to Keshet whose recurring gifts help ensure Keshet’s sustainability through challenging times. Sustainers Club members receive special communications and behind-the-scenes opportunities. Thank you for your meaningful support of Keshet!
- Sarah Egelman and Dan Clark
- Roy and V Goforth
- Shira Greenberg and Richard Letscher
- Matthew Hess
- Manuel Montoya
- Theresa Palmer and Kurt Christopher
- Matthew and Carolyn Tobias
- Nathaniel Trask and Adrian Moore Trask
- Thomas Wolinski
Become a Sustainers Club member by selecting the “monthly” frequency when making a gift to Keshet online. Click here to set up your recurring gift.
Full FY2020/21 Donor List
Keshet would like to thank our entire Cast of Characters, especially those in the following supporting roles whose financial and in-kind contributions made a difference in supporting “unlimited possibilities” in Fiscal Year 20-21 (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021).
* All or a portion of the gift is in-kind
~ Sustainers Club member
To inspire and unite community by fostering unlimited possibilities through dance, mentorship and a creative space for the arts.
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Keshet Staff,
July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021
Founder & Artistic Director,
Shira Greenberg
Director of Business Advancement,
Adrian Moore Trask
Director of Programming,
Ana Lopes Arechiga
Advancement Manager,
Megan de Roiz Yankee
Human Resources Director,
Lindsay Shettlesworth
Communications Director,
Carolyn Tobias
Digital Marketing Coordinator/UNM Work Study,
Truitt McKinney
Digital Content Manager,
Janel Sanchez
Bookkeeper, Danielle Estabrook
M3 Education Director,
Sophia Phillips
Pre Professional Education Director,
Sarah Gonzales
Community Education/ Mixed Ability Director, Sadie Gelb
Community Volunteer Manager,
Marissa Reynolds
Community Relations/ Box Office Manager, Alissa Trujillo
Concierge, Sebrena Figueroa
Database Manager, Emily Dunkin
Costumer, Diana MacNeil
Tech & Facilities Manager,
Paul Cuffee
Tech & Facilities Support Staff,
Eddie Carrion
Arts & Justice Initiatives Youth Leader Manager, Lara Segura
Arts & Justice Network Youth Leaders
Jaden Adeyemi
Emani Brooks
Juliana Gorena
Julian Jimenez
Alyssa Lopez
Company Dancers
Ana Lopes Arechiga
Sonia Bologa
Lara Segura
Teaching Faculty
Ana Lopes Arechiga
Sarah Bennett
Sonia Bologa
Sadie Gelb
Sarah Gonzales
Shira Greenberg
Diana MacNeil
Sophia Phillips
Marissa Reynolds
Lara Segura
Lindsay Shettlesworth
Alana Tobias
Allyssa Trujillo
Adrian Moore Trask
Keshet Board of Directors,
July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021
President, Thomas Wolinski
Vice President, Manuel Montoya
Treasurer, Randy Trask
Secretary, Sean Herring
Members, Toni Balzano, Arlyn Crow,
Rabbi John Feldman,
Dovya Friedman, Shira Greenberg, Liz Groth, Vanessa Shackleford,
Amy Stangel
Keshet Development Committee
Chair, Tom Wolinski
Dana Ball
Toni Balzano
V Goforth
Colleen Grathwol
Shira Greenberg
Lauren Hyde
Trish Katz
Sandra Marroquin-Evans
Sophia Phillips
Marissa Reynolds
Janel Sanchez
Vanessa Shackleford
Joni Thompson
Carolyn Tobias
Adrian Moore Trask
Peninah Wolpo
Producers ($10,000+)
Albuquerque Community Foundation
Bernalillo County – Economic Development Department
City of Albuquerque – Cultural Services Department
City of Albuquerque – Urban Enhancement Trust Fund
Eurasia Foundation
Groovy Avocado, LLC
Maurice Amado Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
Santa Fe Community Foundation
State of New Mexico – New Mexico Arts
State of New Mexico – Small Business CARES Relief via New Mexico Finance Authority
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
United Way of Central New Mexico
US Small Business Administration
Vintage Albuquerque
Western States Arts Federation
Choreographers ($5,000-$9,999)
Rick Letscher and Shira Greenberg*~
Elizabeth Lonergan, PT, DPT*
New England Foundation for the Arts
Nusenda Credit Union Foundation
PTI Electrical Contractors*
PNM Resources Foundation
Sandia Foundation’s Hugh and Helen
Woodward Fund of the Albuquerque Community Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Foundation
Divas ($2,500-$4,999)
Adams + Crow Law Firm
Aroha Philanthropies
Dana and Justin Ball*
Robert and Janet Ford
Mark Hartman
New Mexico Humanities Council
Linda Manion*
Todd Pope*
Sheila Fortune Foundation
VMWare Foundation
Wray Law PC
Starlets ($1,000-$2,499)
A+ Marketing Consultants*
Albuquerque Academy
Judith Chazin-Bennahum and David Bennahum
Merrie Courtright
DeSantis Family
Carol and John Feldman, In honor of the Jazzercise New Mexico Collaborative community of staff and customers, a kindred spirit of Keshet Dance and Center for the Arts, which believes in the power of dance for EVERYONE.
Dan and Karen Gelb*
Marie Gorence
Hanseatic Management Services, Inc.
Lone Sun Builders
Lee and Kenneth Moore
Yashoda Naidoo/Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Café
New Mexico Trade Alliance*
Pat Berrett Photography*
Bradley Peterson
Jennifer Moore Plane
Positive Energy Solar
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Red Rock Roasters
Alexandra and Robert Smith
Southwest Mail Center*
Kelly Sullivan*
Thomas Wolinski~
Principals ($500-$999)
David Bernstein and Erika Rimson
Cristian and Elvine Bologa
Michele and Richard Cravens
Anthony Girard, in memory
of Valerie Girard
Granberg Law
Green Jeans Farmery
Jewish Federation of New Mexico
Matt Jones
Susan Keith*
KidPower Therapy Associates PC
Lovelace Health System
Julia Maccini
Bruce Malott and Marla Wood
Miryam Miller
Beth Mohr and Janet McHard
Virginia Molina
Manuel Montoya~
Brad Raisher and Melissa Freeman
Stephen Rehnberg and Susan Burgener
Selina Sarmiento
Lindsay and Alan Shettlesworth
Stone Age Climbing Gym
The Daily Grind
Thrive Consulting
Randy Trask
Utility Agency*
Wayward Sons Craft-Distillery*
Ensemble Members ($100-$499)
Paige Abrams and Emma Fliegel, in memory of Scott Fliegel
Meredith Adolf
Harold and Carole Albert
Elisha and Kashia Allen
Kathleen and Stephen Altobelli
Amazon Smile
American Online Giving Foundation
Anthony Anella AIA
Anonymous (3)
Meghan Armstrong*
Leslie and Edward Atler
Penina Ballen
Burt & Company CPAs, LLC
Pat and Tanya Call
Carroll Strategies
Frances Chance
Maria Montoya Chavez and Leland Chavez
Erlinda Sedillo and Isaac Chavez, in honor of our teachers and staff for all they do for our children
Donald Cole, In memory of Kristie Brown
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Roy Courtright
Arlyn Crow and Sam Adams
David Daniell
Lisa Domenici, In honor of my daughter. Keshet shaped her life.
Carolyn Dorfman
Karleen Dunkin*
Barbara Egelman
Sarah Egelman and Daniel Clark~
Joan Eilers
Sheena Ferguson & Heather Garcia, for her Aunt Colleen Grathwol
Sebrena Figueroa
Kathryn Fleddermann*
Bette Fleishman
Garcia’s Kitchen*
Kate Girard
V and Roy Goforth~
Sen. Roberto & Mrs. Charlene Gonzales, In honor of Sarah Gonzales
Sarah Gonzales*
Jim and Ann Gosack
Jessica Greaves
Colleen Grathwol and Scott Ferguson
Tom Greenbaum
Barb Greenberg
Don Halter
Richard Hample
Bianca Harle and Robert Love
Nancy Hazelman, In honor of our niece Sadie Gelb who puts her heart and soul in everything she does.
Jennifer and Lawrence Herrera
Ari and Sean Herring
Matthew Hess~
Tobias Hoellrich
Andrew Hsi
Toni Hubbert
Bob Hume
Jesse and Trista Jackson
Vanessa Jacobsohn and Edgar Solis
Rita James*
Joyce Jaramillo
Norty and Summers Kalishman
Marshall and Patricia Katz
Linda King
Donna Lisotto, in honor of Olivia Warner-Love
Michael Maccini and Barbara Koenig
Mary Mackie
Diana MacNeil
Douglas Madison
Steve Maechtlen
Sandra Martin
Tamra Mason
Michael McCall
Kathy McClendon
Billy Moore
Christine and Nicholas Moore
Doug Moore, In memory of my dear mother, Millie Moore
Mary and Ron Moya
Andie Mungle
Jennie Negin and Harold Folley
Mary Anne Newhall
Laura Nitsos
Theresa Palmer and Kurt Christopher~
Janice and Stuart Paster
Elisa Paster
Peacock Law P.C.
Karen Pound
Dan and Regina Puccetti
R & R Goforth Remodeling
Sarah Resnik
Donna Reynolds
Carmela Romero
Ronna Schelby
Vanessa Shackleford
Mary Ellen and Ron Shettlesworth
Lisa and Hal Smith
Dr. James and Joanne Smith
Mark and Donia Steele
Alexandria and Andrew Steyer, for those who have suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic
Sunny 505
Mo & Cal Taylor Wright
Joni Thompson and Irene Urvanejo
Carolyn and Matthew Tobias~
Token Ibis
Adrian Moore Trask and Nathaniel Trask~
Tami Trask
Honorable Marie Ward, Presiding Judge
Lisa Seifert Weigelt
Shep and Leslie Weinstein
Whitener Law Firm P.A.
Stephanie and Anthony Williams
Jane Wishner
Hugh and Barbara Witemeyer
Taylor and Katherine Wray*
Paula Wynnyckyj
Judith Yandoh
Debra Yoshimura
Marv Zauderer
Linda Zipp
Stagehands ($1-$99)
Anonymous (4)
Samuel Baker and Anat Shinar
Steve Barberio
Gary Bauerschmidt
Dora Bayliss
BFS Propane*
Caul Blakley
Debbie Boggus
Sonia Bologa
Christina Bouajila
Lorie Brau
Merna Brostoff
Marika Brussel
Erica and Greg Castleberry
Lindsay Chambers, In loving memory of Margaret (Peggy) Bennett
Lisa Chaney
Bradford Chin
Terri Christiansen
Harry and Terry Cohen
Krys and Phil Custer
Kim Booker DeLeon
David Dellinger
Amy Ely-McKane
Danielle Estabrook
Rabbi Abraham and Mrs. Linda Ettedgui
Mariah Everett
Elizabeth and Joseph Faulk
Paul Feil
Fiasco Fine Wine LLC*
Dovya Friedman and George Hausner
Marilyn Fuller, In Memory of Hayes Fuller
Spencer Gerwin
Cheryl Gibson
Joyce Goetz, In memory of Margaret (Peggy) Bennett
Ellen and Harley Greenberg
Joanie Griffin
Scott Haskitt
Gina Heise
Emunah Herzog
Martha Hughes
Lori Jameson
Allison Keelin
Pam Kileen
Karin Lawton
Michael Layton
Becky Lee
Marta Lichlyter
Kyra Liebert
Ana and Cesar Lopes Arechiga
Alyssa and Ally Lopez
Sara Love
Vivian and Donald Lubin
Melodi Maker
Sandra Marroquin-Evans and Marc Evans
Sharon Mason
Margaret Maynard, in honor of Josephine Smith
Eric Mazzie
Shannon McKigney
Kristy Medina
Clayton Meredith and Mary Cianflone
Joan Miller
- Myers
Barbara Myers
Faye Nitcznski
Luis Oaxaca and Maria Diaz
Evelyn Okamoto
Chanty Oun
Rhiannon Padilla
Janice Palmer
Christine Parks
Angela Payne-Martinez
Burt and Shirley Politz
Elysia Pope
Miranda Portillo
Kevin Silva Ramos
Terra Reed, In honor of Olivia Warner-Love on her BIRTHDAY!
Alison Reitz
Jane and Russell Resnik
Layne Campbell Rincon
Ed Ripp
William and Kattia Rojas
Johannah Saavedra
Arlene Safier
Delora and Bob Saviteer
Paula Scheidel
Larry Sklar and Alison Franks
Nancy Smith
Ethel Smith
Ana Stanley*
Rosemarie Straughan, In Honor Of Kamila Rojas
Samantha Tapia
Jill Toft
Howard Tomar and Judith Smith
Alissa and Mathew Trujillo
Janine Tursini, In honor of Adrian Moore Trask
Ovidiu and Rebecca Viorica
Water, Singing-on-The-Rocks, in memory of BB Beverly
Richard Watson
Western New Mexico University*
Dorotha Wheeler
Jorgie Winsberg and Dennis Soto
Alyssandra Wu
Anna Yamaki